April 2017 News


Tien Shan Pai Legacy Tournament – Saturday Apri; 22, 2017 10 AM -5 Pm

World Tai Chi and Qigong Day- Saturday April 29, 20178:30-9:30 am

Silver Spring Fiesta Asia Street Festival- Sunday May 7- 9am- 6 PM-Downtown SS

Asian Heritage Festival- Saturday May 20, 2017 – 11 am -7 Pm-  WDC


This, by invitation only event will take place on Saturday April 22nd, beginning at 10 am, in Timonium MD. Previously this event only eligible for students of the Tien Shan Pai lineage but they have invited a few schools outside of the system to expand the event. There will be kids and adult Shaolin Kung Fu divisions as well as Tai Chi, Xing-I, Bagua empty hand and weapons division and Pushing Hands. I would like to have several of our students compete to gain practice at this smaller and less formal event. It is also a good tune up for the qualifier for the Kuoshu World Championships to be held near Baltimore the last weekend in July.

Let Paul know if you plan to attend so that he can make sure your event(s) are up to snuff.  Online registration is available by going to http://www.tienshanpai.org/ by April 15, 2017. Registration is available at the door but a bit more expensive beyond the first event.

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Swordplay class will take place on Wednesday April 12 from 7:30-9 PM. Please bring a foam or wooden sword, eye protection, and perhaps groin protection. See you there.


As is our custom we will be celebrating World Tai Chi and Qigong Day again this year. This annual event has taken place since 1999 and we have joined the international community in having free Tai Chi since the very first year.                                                                                           Feel free to invite your friends and acquaintances to join us on Saturday April 29th from 8:30-9:30 am. If the weather is good we meet up at the Takoma Park Gazebo and have class outdoors. We may have the Tai Chi Push hands and self- defense classes there also if the weather permits. Join us and we will hopefully enjoy some good weather, fresh air, and good Tai Chi.  The Gazebo is located at the corner of Carrol Ave and Westmoreland Ave., about 3 blocks from the school.



 Our newly designed web site is up and running at present. Although most of the information has been set up; small additions to text, video, and pictures will be added to make the school’s curriculum and goals more accessible.  New elements to the site include a sign up contact page for those wanting to receive our newsletters and announcements, we’ve also added more videos to give examples of the various arts that we teach. Schedules of our Takoma Park as well as our Gaithersburg locations are now online.                                                                                                                                                   We plan to get the members only page set up soon. This page will allow members access to areas of the site where one may find articles, videos and archival information concerning the programs taught as well as historical information related to internal martial arts.                                                                                                                                                                                  We also plan to have online payment options available for those persons seeking to sign up for introductory classes, or to buy uniforms, books, or to pay for classes.  We also humbly accept suggestions as to how we may improve the site so that it may be easier and more usable to current and future members. 


Our weekly Community Tai Chi and Push Hands Open workout is alive and well (25 years and counting). We hold the Free Community Workout, 3 blocks away, at the Roda Movement Center which is located at 7014 Westmoreland Avenue (just off Carroll Avenue) in Takoma Park, MD.  It is located just behind the Gazebo located on Carroll Avenue and across from the House of Musical Traditions.  The workout takes place on Thursdays from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM.  Feel free to contact us at longmen987@gmail.com if you have questions or concerns.


Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

-Peter Drucker

Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.

-Chinese Proverb

Happy are those who dream the dream and are ready to pay the price to make them true.

-Leon J. Suenes