Internal Push Sword / Sword Sparring Workshop
Paul Ramos conducted a 4 hour workshop on the fundamentals of Push Sword and Combat Sword Play on Sunday February 12, 2017. A capacity crowd filled the training hall at the DX Center in Takoma Park. Teachers, students, and newcomers attended the intensive sessions that spanned sword basics, hand drills, two man drills, evasion and cutting drills followed by about an hour of free push sword play. Then we added additional hand drills, line drills, reciprocating body attack and defense drills, and point control drills, followed by about an hour of free style combat sword play bouts. The bouts were broken into 3 minute rounds while participants rotated through all the other participants in the room. By the end of the workshop a tired but excited group of swordspersons all stated their enjoyment and appreciation of the skills covered.
Inclement Weather Policy
Although thus far this has been a mild and warmer than usual Winter there is still almost 2 months left of possible wintry weather. We again wish to remind everyone that when Montgomery County schools are closed due to bad weather- we are also closed. Call 301 651-3617 if there are any questions or if the weather clears up and you wish to make sure that classes will not take place. Also remember to stay home and allow yourself time to be well if you are feeling ill. We like to share information and skill but we do not need to share the flu or other communicable illnesses.
New Website Setup - Please Sign In!
Our newly designed web site is up and running. Although most of the information has been set up; small additions to text, video, and pictures will be added to make the school’s curriculum and goals more accessible. Sign up for our mailing list on the contact page to receive our newsletters and announcements. We’ve also added more videos to give examples of the various arts that we teach. You can also find our Takoma Park and Gaithersburg class schedules online, here.
We plan to get the members only page set up soon. This page will allow members to access articles, videos and archival information concerning the programs taught, as well as historical information related to internal martial arts. We also plan to have online payment options available soon to sign up for introductory classes, pay for class, or buy uniforms and books. Got any suggestions for how we might improve the site? Let us know!
Daytime Class Schedule
Daytime classes take place from 12 noon to 1 PM on Mondays and Thursdays. All subjects taught in the evenings will also be taught at these times.. This schedule will continue through 2017. Watch this news page or check schedule page for updates or changes.
Free Community Push Hands
Our weekly Community Tai Chi and Push Hands Open workout is alive and well (23 years and counting). We hold the Free Community Workout, 3 blocks away, at the Roda Movement Center which is located at 7014 Westmoreland Avenue (just off Carroll Avenue) in Takoma Park, MD. It is located just behind the Gazebo located on Carroll Avenue and across from the House of Musical Traditions. The workout takes place on Thursdays from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Feel free to contact us at if you have questions or concerns.
Quotes of the Month
To have joy, one must share it. Happiness was born a twin.
-Lord Byron
It is the responsibility of leadership to provide opportunity, and the responsibility of the individuals to contribute (to the cause).
-William Pollard
The secret for success in life is for a man (or woman) to be ready for their opportunity when it comes.
- Benjamin Disreali