After a successful initial try out yesterday evening we have decided to use the Zoom program to continue training during this self quarantine time period. A small group of us worked warm ups, qigong and Tai Chi form detail and it worked well enough to warrant continuation. Join Zoom for free!
All active WST and any interested Wudang members are encouraged to send an email to Paul at to get on the list of those who will receive the link and be able to attend the classes. We are currently looking at Mondays and Wednesdays beginning at 6:30 PM for the time being. Times may change in the future depending upon the responses we get from the students involved.
I want to thank those who attended yesterdays trial run and helped us identify what works and what still needs to be considered , Thank you Ted, Dawn, Tim, Bob, and Erik for your participation. I would also give a hearty Thank you to Mitchell Ratner who has so generously allowed us to Co-Host with him on his account. We hope to continue with a Wu Shen Tao account just as soon as the Zoom people are able to process it.
Send your response to me ASAP so that we can get you on the list and able to continue training in the future. We may begin taping the lessons and putting them on our members only page when we are able.
See you soon- (hopefully tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm)