CLOSED – DEC.20 & DECEMBER 24- JANUARY 1, 2019- Holiday Break
CLASSES RESUME –Wednesday January 2, 2019
NO CLASSES- Saturday January 5, 2019- due to Dance Exchange’s Winter Intensive Program.
We here at Wu Shen Tao wish everyone a healthy and happy Holiday season. 2018 has been a tumultuous and divisive year with many ups and downs. 2019 may not be any better but as the sages of the past have said- Life is not about what happens or what does not happen; it is about what you learn and more importantly about how you take in and react to what has happened. Remember that the only constant in the universe is change and that this too will pass. Try to remain calm, do what your conscious dictates, and know that once you have done what you can; the rest is up to the forces that be. Life is short so enjoy the day- and each day after, and appreciate those who appreciate you.
Regardless of what holidays you celebrate or if you celebrate no holidays still remember that we are here to learn lessons and move forward. We hope that you have a great Holiday season!!
Plans are in the works to have a level 2 Swordplay workshop. We have hosted level 1 workshops a couple of times in the past and now we are moving onto the next level.
The workshop will consist of a one hour review of fundamental skills and then proceed to more advanced skills of hand work, foot work, single person and paired training drills, feinting drills, compound reaction drills and finishes up with 60-80 minutes of rotating sword sparring matches. Although this workshop is labeled level 2 it is appropriate for anyone who has a strong interested in, anyone who has taken previous swordplay training, or, those who have a martial spirit.
It will take place at either Roda Movement Center or at the Dance Exchange Building; both located in Takoma Park MD. We are looking at one of the first 3 weekends in February. The time frame is tentatively either a Saturday from 1-6 or 7pm with a 30 minute break midway through or a Sunday from 11 am-4 or 5 PM (also with a 30 minute break midway through).
A foam sword will be included within the cost of the workshop which will vary from $125-$150 depending upon which venue we contract with. Eye protection and groin protection should be used and brought in by all participants although we may have a few sets of goggles available at minimal cost.
If you are interested in attending you should contact us ASAP to be placed on the participant list and you will be updated as to all pertinent information associated with this event. The numbers of persons who register will also determine which venue we use since swordplay takes a significant amount of space to train in.
To register or to gain more information feel free to contact Paul Ramos at 301-651-3617, or via email at longmen987@gmail.com. You may also find updates on our website DCMDTaichi.com.
Winter is here and with it comes a variety of situations that unfortunately lead to challenging transportation, health, and mindset concerns.
Realize that when Montgomery County schools close related to bad weather, impassible roads etc.- Wu Shen Tao will also be closed. Should the weather/ roads clear up by class time everyone should look to our website (DCMDTaichi.com), for updates and any changes to our normal policy. Every effort will be made to update the site as soon as possible. Announcements and changes would be found on our Home page and the News/ Events page.
Secondly, the Winter season also encourages the usual spate of colds, Flu’s and other health issues. As much as we love to see you all in class at every opportunity; please stay home if you are ill! We like to share your company but do not wish to share any viruses or other pathogens. Rest up and get back to us when you are feeling better.
Also, realize that if you sweat and train hard in class you will probably open up your circulation and pores. Take a little time before your leave to cool down. Bring in a change of shirt/ clothes if you need to so that you are not walking in the frigid temperatures wet and tired. This may temporarily diminish your immune system which may lead to being more susceptible to the pathogens surrounding us. Let’s have a healthy and productive winter season.
The next Installment of “Something to Meditate On’ is currently available on our Qigong / Meditation Page. It is produced by long- time collaborator, training partner and good friend Henry Brennan. He has an extensive background in the martial and energy arts beginning about 45 years ago. His specialty is energy cultivation with a focus on passive and active work along with methods and strategies of how to apply these skills in one’s daily life.
He shares some of the concepts of the work by providing snippets of wisdom and knowledge a couple of times per month on our Qigong/Meditation page.
Interested individuals can also now begin online training with him and learn to use the distilled exercises and methods of this path. I recommend that you feel free to check in bi weekly for the next nugget along this path toward potentiating oneself.
We will meet for sword basics and application class this month on Wednesday December 12 th, 2018 from 7:30-9 PM. Bring a sword, eye protection and groin protection (optional). All students are encouraged to attend regardless of experience.
Sign in to get newsletters and other information concerning the latest goings on in and around our schools. Also see us also for our latest great video additions, messages, and new innovations on health and martial arts under Wu Shen Tao on our Facebook page.
Our weekly Community Tai Chi and Push Hands Open workout is alive and well (25 years and counting). We hold the Free Takoma Park Community Workout, 3 blocks away, at the Roda Movement Center which is located at 7014 Westmoreland Avenue (just off Carroll Avenue) in Takoma Park, MD. It is located just behind the Gazebo located on Carroll Avenue and across from the House of Musical Traditions. The workout takes place on Thursdays from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Feel free to contact us at longmen987@gmail.com if you have questions or concerns.
" Studies have shown that 90% of error in thinking is due to error in perception. If you can change your perception you can change your emotion and this can lead to new ideas. "
-Edward de Bono
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi